Visit with Artist of the Salon Des Beaux Arts 2019 @ Carrousel du Louvre
The Stanford Club of France & Brown University Club of France Event
For more than 150 years, the Salon des Beaux Art has traversed history, and history has traversed it. The biggest names of painting, sculpture and printmaking have exhibitted and born witness to the newest reflexions on art in each epoch. The Societe National des Beaux Arts invites you to be witness to the major evolutions in art–She is delighted to have her work selected, once again, for this historic exhibition
Artist, and Stanford Alum Lisa Cirenza (along with her husband Peter Cirenza Brown ’85) will be coming to Paris to exhibit in the Salon Des Beaux Arts 2019, at the Carrousel du Louvre. They have invited members of both clubs to join them for a tour, and introductions to some of the selected artists.
Press release on the exhibition: here
Official Invite: here
Meeting Point: at the entrance of the exhibition in the Carousel du Louvre. Depending on interest guests and artists might gather for a local lunch after the tour (not included in the ticket price). If you cannot make the tour, please feel free to connect with Lisa outside these hours to arrange to meet at the exhibition.!
About Artist Lisa Cirenza, ’85, MA ’87:
Seeking human connectedness in an increasingly connected/disconnected world—Cirenza pushes pigments and pixels in compositions that ask us to look beyond the surface of the work for what binds us as a single human species.
US born, and London UK based, her training includes The Royal Drawing School, Central St. Martins, and Sumi-e training in Tokyo. Her BS honors degree in Applied Earth Sciences from Stanford University increases her passion and understanding of pigments, fluids, tech, and mediums, in addition to her MA in International Studies—both of which inspire the many of the layers of environmental and socio-political questions she visually explores.
She has exhibited in Kyoto, Xi’an, New York, Miami, Silicon Valley, Edinburgh, Paris and London. Her work is held in state, corporate and private collections in Japan, France, Austria, Sweden, the UK, Canada, and the USA.Her art has been favourably reviewed in the Financial Times, and has been exhibited widely in the USA, UK, Canada, France, Japan, and China; and is held in many corporate and private collections.
“Tomorrow’s Light” oils on 120 x 90 cm canvas from Lisa’s time working in Cuba will be exhibited