Stanford International Weekend

June 21, 2019 Erik Uzureau

'Youthquake: how millennials are transforming society, politics, business and education'

Alumni and friends from all over the world came together in Paris from Friday, June 21st to Sunday, June 23rd for a weekend of inspiring talks, networking events and exciting time together.

For more pictures from this beautiful weekend of events, see Stanford International Weekend on Google Photos.

About the theme:

The past couple of years have been years of transformational change in Society, in Politics, in Business & in Education across the globe and particularly in Europe. In politics, millennials bring new perspectives, concerns and broadly propagate information that contributes to redefine democracy and its institutions. In business, corporations are looking to engage millennials both as consumers and as a workforce. In entrepreneurship, millennials are founding unicorns with a disruptive mentality and are showing their emerging economic influence. In the social domain, millennials are deepening their focus on social, environmental and equality issues.

We believe this transformation will have profound consequences in the way we live and apprehend the world in the years to come. The Stanford Club of France is looking at helping us better understand this phenomenon, its consequences and its future during our Stanford International Weekend.


For more info on Speakers, Program, and Sponsors, you can see the original Stanford International Weekend 2019 page from our site.