Belt & Road Initiative : jusqu’où ira la Chine ?

June 12, 2018 Adeline Agut

The Stanford Club of France, Comité France-Chine and MEDEF organized this outstanding event with prestigious speakers at the MEDEF in front of an audience of 200 people. Event speakers included Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister, Honorary Member of the Parliament and President of the Foundation "Prospective et Innovation"; His Excellency Zhai Jun, China's Ambassador to France; and a large panel of businessmen and investors who shared their experience and advice about the Belt & Road Initiative.
This event will be followed soon by the third installment of our China Triptych: “Healthcare in China: Why is it the no 1 priority for the coming decade?"

Sheila Hicks Exhibition private visit by her daughter

March 15, 2018 Adeline Agut

Itaka Martignoni, the daughter of the world-known Artist Sheila Hicks, offered SCF members and Stanford student a private visit of her mother’s solo exhibition show at the Pompidou Center. The visit ended with the remarkable surprise of having Sheila Hicks among ourselves and spending the last part of the visit with us.
The world-renowned American artist has lived in Paris since the 1960s. Her artwork represents crossroads in more ways than one: she is American, spent many formative years in Chili and Mexico, and gleans inspiration from Paris; she sees her work as sculpture, but stone is not her medium. Instead you will find fabrics, colors, threads and different textures, flowing in space. Her works are at times monumental (for example those hanging from the ceilings of the Pompidou Center), but at other moments they are conceived as miniature woven compositions. Her work appears to defy all boundaries and definitions.

General Assembly and Galette des Rois

February 16, 2018 Adeline Agut

The Stanford Club of France held his annual General Assembly on February 1st at the Hôtel de l'Industrie.
You can find a summary of the General Assembly - including 2017 accomplishments, 2018 objectives, board election and votes - here.

The General Assembly was followed by a champaigne cocktail with Galette des Rois attended by SCF members and Stanford in Paris students.

Christmas Dinner

December 17, 2017 Adeline Agut

The Stanford Club of France and the Stanford Business Club held their annual dinner party on December 13th at the restaurant La Gare at La Muette in the 16th arrondissement. The friendly atmosphere was ideal to reacquaint with old friends and make new ones!

Mongolia’s Past, Present and Future

December 15, 2017 Adeline Agut

Oyungerel Tsedevdamba, former Mongolian Minister of Culture & Jeffrey L. Falt read from the manuscript of their novel, The Green Eyed Lama, which has just been published by Grasset in French translation as Le Moine Aux Yeux Verts. This was followed by a discussion touching on themes evoked in the book, such as life under communism, and the Stalinist purge; the transformation of Mongolia into a democracy; and religion and culture in Mongolia.

Oyungerel Tsedevdamba studied planning economy in the USSR and, after the fall of communism, she earned a Master’s Degree in Market Economy in Russia. She subsequently received a Master’s degree in International Policy Studies from Stanford University. She served as Adviser to the Prime Minister of Mongolia and subsequently to the President of Mongolia on human rights and civic participation. In 2015 Oyungerel was awarded the Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the Ministry of Culture of France for her efforts to end the death penalty in Mongolia and for her work in preserving and protecting Mongolia’s cultural heritage, including the much publicized Tyrannosaurus bataar case. Oyungerel is the author of 11 books.

History of Art Lecture Series

December 12, 2017 Adeline Agut

Série de 3 conférences animées par Eric Monsinjon, professeur d’histoire de l’art et ancien élève de l’Ecole du Louvre, enseignant en classes préparatoires et aux élèves comédiens de la Comédie-Française.

Dans ces 3 conférences portant sur l'histoire de l’art nous sommes partis à la rencontre des chefs d’œuvre de l’art, de la Renaissance à l’art actuel, et avons abordé les sujets suivants :

  • Introduction et panorama rapide de Giotto à l’art contemporain.
  • Identifier les codes de la représentation traditionnelle en Europe : de Giotto à Delacroix.
  • Repérer les étapes fondamentales qui jalonnent l’histoire de l’art classique.
  • Distinguer les œuvres majeures des œuvres mineures afin d’en dégager la portée créatrice. Quand démarre l’art moderne ?
  • Identifier les grandes étapes de l’évolution de la peinture, de Manet à Duchamp
  • Pourquoi l’art moderne remet-il en cause les codes représentatifs classiques ?
  • Qu’est-ce qu’une avant-garde et que signifie la mort de l’art ?
  • Quand démarre l’art contemporain ?
  • En quoi l’art contemporain bouleverse-t- il l’art moderne ?
  • Panorama de l’art actuel et des différentes tendances internationales

Devialet: the Sound of French Innovation and its Future

December 6, 2017 Adeline Agut

On 30 November 2017, the Stanford Club of France and the Stanford Business Club gathered alumni at Station F to hear from Quentin Sannié, CEO of Devialet, as he shared the story of Devialet, his experiences as a entrepreneur and the growth and importance of la FrenchTech. Our discussions focused on the steps of going from a start-up to raising the capital needed to go global, the challenges with a growing business and the globalization within French technology companies and with French tech-products.

Industry & the environment with Pierre-André de Chalendar (CEO Saint-Gobain)

November 20, 2017 Adeline Agut

Our distinguished speaker, Pierre-André de Chalendar (CEO of Saint-Gobain), shared his vision on the trends affecting the industry in a context of rising environmental challenges and on the role industry leaders need to play to fight climate change. Our discussion focused on environmental challenges from a technological, political and societal perspective, innovation in the habitat and broader industry to fight global warming and the steps ahead for sustainable development.
This event was held at the Cercle de l'Union Interalliée.

The wake of COOP 23: US and European Perspectives & Actions on Climate Change Policy

October 25, 2017 Adeline Agut

Our two distinguished speakers, Larry Goulder and Christian de Perthuis, shared their views on US and European accomplishments and future action regarding climate change, carbon economics & policy.

Lawrence H. Goulder, a graduate from Stanford University, is the Shuzo Nishihara Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Center for Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis.

Christian de Perthuis est professeur d’Economie à l’université Paris-Dauphine, en charge de la Chaire économie du climat, une initiative commune lancée par l’université Paris-Dauphine et CDC-Climat.

The event was co-organized by The Stanford Club of France, the Club Mines Energie & Club Mines Développement Durable.

Disrupting Mobility – Frédéric MAZZELLA, CEO of BlaBlaCar

June 1, 2017 Erik Uzureau

Where is the shared economy heading? :
Disrupting Mobility

Frédéric Mazzella
Founder of BlaBlaCar, Executive Chairman

Our distinguished speaker and fellow alumn, Frédéric Mazzella, will share his experience as a successful entrepreneur and his vision on several disruptive trends that are transforming mobility. Our discussions will focus on the topics of:

  • Disrupting the Market Fail Learn Succeed
  • The Shared Economy
  • Innovation

Since pioneering the idea for BlaBlaCar in 2004, Frédéric has led the company to become the world’s largest long-distance carpooling community. As a branding and communications enthusiast, Frédéric has built a global brand whilst relentlessly spreading the word about the virtues of carpooling. Frédéric carries BlaBlaCar’s vision of a people-powered travel network enabled by trust and technology, and is passionate about high social impact solutions. Frédéric is a regular speaker at leading international conferences and in the media, where he comments on the fast changing mobility landscape, entrepreneurship, global marketplaces and building trust in online communities.

Prior to founding BlaBlaCar, Frédéric held the role of scientific researcher at NASA (USA) and NTT (Japan). He holds an MBA from INSEAD, a Masters in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Masters in Physics from Ecole Normale Supérieure (France). Frédéric is also an accomplished classical pianist.